July - September 2005 Events

March-September 2005: Lewis & Clark Educational Tours with Portland State University. Tales from the Trail: The Story of the Impact of Lewis and Clark on the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest. Portland State University is offering a series of four-day tours on the history of the Oregon Territory and the state of Oregon following the 1804-06 expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. For more information, visit their website at www.extended.pdx.edu/lc/.

August 5-10, 2005: 37th Annual Meeting, National Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon. Accommodations, meetings, public forums and final banquet will held on the college campus. Pre-conference meetings of the National Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Council and the board of directors of the foundation will also take place on the campus. Pre and post field trips are being planned around the conference theme “Gateway to the Pacific”. Chairman have been assigned for the various committees and brain-storming is underway to finalize programs, speakers, field trips and coordination with the Washington State Chapter of the foundation. Approximately 13 to 15% of the 2700 members will attend. Contact: Oregon Chapter President, Jay Rasmussen.

White Bird presents Echoes of Discovery, A Bicentennial Commemoration of the Lewis & Clark Journey. Saturday, September 17, 2005: Project Bandaloop will complete the second of two dance performance movements at the St. John's Bridge and Cathedral Park in Portland, Oregon. The project will feature two site-specific artistic performances from the structure of the St. John's Bridge, complete with lighting and a musical score. For more information, contact Duncan Rotch, Development Coordinator, White Bird, 503.245.1600 ext. 204, www.whitebird.org.

September 27-October 2, 2005: National Trust's National Preservation Conference, Portland, Oregon. For more information, visit their website at www.nationaltrust.org.