Make the name of the project as descriptive and distinct as possible, so that in combination with its Lead Sponsor and its Location the project will be uniquely recognized. Aim for 3 to 4 words, but no more than 10.
List the City and State where the project will be physically located or will occur. Add other identifiers, if needed for clarity, e.g. County, multi-state, multiple locations, trail-wide.
List the organization sponsoring the project. In cases where there are multiple sponsors, list the primary sponsor. Provide complete contact information for the person who can respond to inquiries about the project. List additional sponsors in the "Other Sponsors" section.
List additional sponsors by organizational name only-no contact name or address information. If there are many, do not list them in columnar form but rather in series.
Provide a concise, clear, and comprehensive description of the project in 100 words or less. Begin with a summary sentence. Describe the project's significance to L&C expedition and the bicentennial, focusing on how it furthers the goals of education, commemoration, preservation, or reconciliation. Identify the years the project will occur, open, or last. Include information about the project's sustainability into the future. If projects combine easily separated components, consider listing them as separate projects (for example, land acquisition for a significant site versus building interpretive facilities). Consider combining very small projects into a single program.
Enter the total cost of the project (not the amount requested from any specific source or the remaining amount to be raised), and the amount funded to date (the amount that has been raised or committed). The difference between these two amounts constitutes the outstanding need from all sources. If desired, provide budget detail in the Comments section.
Provide a brief summary of financial and non-financial support for the project: how the sponsors and others are providing funding and other resources toward its completion, in up to 50 words.
Provide a brief summary of the status of the project's planning, funding, and implementation (for example, does it have blueprints or a one-page concept sheet?; does it have 90% of the funding in hand or is a campaign yet to begin?; is it half-way done already or is it still in the planning stage?) in up to 25 words.
To help with the tabulation of the summaries, please mark ONE square in each line with the sponsor's best judgment of the project's coding. REPLACE THE BOX WITH AN "X". It is understood that there may be significant overlaps between project categories. Note that when the summaries are tabulated, the Council may change the coding for consistency.
_ R/H _ P/T _ I _ CD _ C/N _ ED _ E _ O
Many projects will fall into more than one category. List the category that accounts for the greatest amount of funding required.R/H Roads & Highways
Transportation infrastructure projects, including construction, improvement, or maintenance of roads/highways, bridges/ferries, parking/exits/pull-outs/scenic overlooks, rest areas/campgrounds, transit stations, RV facilities, boat ramps/docks/landings, navigational aids/lighthouses, loops, and directional signage.
P/T Parks & Trails
Park and trail projects, including acquisition, development, and maintenance of parks, campgrounds, ancillary interpretation, restrooms, and trails of all types (pedestrian, water, equine, ADA-compliant, etc.), with a focus on recreation and interpretation (rather than conservation, which is coded C/N).
I Interpretive Facilities
Projects, which provide, improve, or maintain physical interpretation through interpretive centers, museums, museum exhibits, kiosks, interpretive signage, replicas, and public art.
CD Community Development
Non-transportation enhancements to a community which contribute to its ability to support bicentennial-era visitors. For example: visitor/info/welcome centers, sewer systems, theaters/amphitheaters, RV facilities, downtown development, and redevelopment.
C/N Cultural & Natural Resource Protection
Projects which protect or preserve significant cultural or natural resources along the Trail, for example through land acquisition, archaeology, artifact/manuscript collections, tribal oral histories and archives, native language preservation and promotion, native village reconstruction, easements/greenspaces, non-native species control, endangered species protection, and habitat restoration.
ED Education
Projects which provide information, programs, or curricula in support of interpreting the expedition, for example: workshops, institutes, symposia, classrooms on wheels, teacher training, field trips, theme trunks, living history, books, maps, guides, videos, CDs, and websites.
E Events
Commemorations of the expedition, in the form of re-enactments, festivals, pow-wows, heritage days, performances (concerts, dance, drama), reconciliations, and related observances (except those that are primarily education-focused, which are coded ED).
O Other
If a project doesn't seem to fit the other categories, mark "Other" and describe, after the "O", in one or two words the category it should have.
_ Fed _ State _ Local _ Tribal _ Multi-Agency _ Private _ Pub/Priv _ Other
Classify the project by the type of organization(s) sponsoring it:FedStatus:
Primarily federal agency, or department, including cross-agency projects
Primarily state agency or department, including cross-agency projects
Primarily a city, county, or regional-level public-sector or non-profit group
Primarily tribe or tribal organization
Crossing Federal, state, or tribal lines
Primarily private sector
Primarily linking public and private sectors
Name the type, if it doesn't fit another classification, after the word "Other"
_ Proposed _ Underway _ Finished
To summarize the "Project Status" section, code the project in one of three stages.