Project Name:

Astoria Column Visitors Center and Master Plan

Location of Project:

Astoria, Oregon

Lead Sponsor:

Organization Name

Friends of Astoria Column, in partnership with the City of Astoria

Contact Name/Title

Jordan Schnitzer, President


1121 S.W. Salmon Street, #500, Portland





503/248-9140 Fax;

[email protected]



Other Sponsors:

City of Astoria

Project Description:

Friends of Astoria Column seeks to develop a visitors center (exhibits, classroom-sized

theatre, ADA-compliant restrooms, gift shop); extend Column's base plaza to stabilize it

seismically and to optimize its viewing; increase parking, and enhance the Astor Park

grounds with native plants, lighting, benches, etc. The Column visually records the events

that the United States used to persuasively argue that it had more rights to this territory than

did Great Britain, events that led to Lewis & Clark's journey and encouraged western

expansion. Estimated 2003 project opening supported by admissions and gift shop revenues,

based on 300,000 visitors annually.

Project Budget:



Funded to Date:



The State Historic Preservation Office, City of Astoria, and the Oregon Historical Society endorse the project as a significant Lewis & Clark resource. The City will maintain the physical site and work with the Friends on permits, water service, etc. Quiet fundraising phase has realized $1.5 million in private funding to date.

Project Status:

Planning: architectural renderings; Funding: over 50% with no governmental financial assistance. Groundbreaking could begin as soon as 2001, completed well in time for bicentennial visitors.


    Primary Category:     _ R/H     _ P/T     X I     _ CD     _ C/N     _ ED     _ E     _ O

    Type:     _ Fed     _ State     X Local     _ Tribal     _ Multi-Agency     _ Private     _ Pub/Priv     _ Other

    Status:     X Proposed     _ Underway     _ Finished

Priority Ranking: within State/Tribe/Agency: # ____ out of ____.

Other Comments:

Funds would be used to help pay for designing and constructing the center and its educational exhibits, re-landscaping of the grounds, and structural stabilization of the historic Column. The goal is to complete improvements and open the center debt-free to ensure, with admissions and gift shop revenues, its ongoing viability.

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Lewis & Clark Bicentennial in Oregon
1200 S.W. Park Ave.
Portland, OR  97205-2483
email address: [email protected]

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