Public Invited To Help Make History: Help To Prepare The Final Logs For Fort Clatsop
Fort Walls Are Taking Shape
Meyer Memorial Trust Provides Grant For Special Educational Programming
Information and Educational Programming Starts This Weekend
This weekend the weather outside may be frightful. But in
the main arena of the Clatsop County Fairgrounds the sight
will be delightful. Thanks to the help of over 260 volunteers
and skilled workers from the National Park Service the walls
of the new Fort Clatsop are taking shape. This weekend volunteers
are needed to help prepare the last 50 logs that will be used
in the construction of the new Fort Clatsop exhibit.
This weekend the SCA interns will be offering the first of
ongoing education and information programs talking about the
history, design and techniques used in building Fort Clatsop.
These will be:
Saturday, Sunday and Monday
January 14, 15, & 16
1:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Main Arena of the Clatsop County Fairgrounds.
If you have a group that you would like to bring to work on
the fort reconstruction people should contact the Fort Rebuild
Project Manager, Pete Field, at (503) 861-4402 to schedule
a time and work out logistics. Volunteers are also needed to
help with the interpretation and answering questions. If people
are interested in helping to volunteer either at the Fairgrounds
or at the Fort Clatsop Visitor Center to help with public information
please contact the Lewis and Clark National Historical Park
Volunteer Coordinator, Sally Freeman at (503) 861-4424.
Download full text of press release. Fort Clatsop Contacts:
Park Superintendent:
Chip Jenkins (503) 861-4401
Chief of Visitor Services:
Jill Harding (503) 861-4421
News Releases:
Chip Jenkins (503) 861-4401
Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Association:
Cyndi Mudge (503) 861-4403
